"Athena", a game character with a pose from manga Sailor Moon.
"Lolita", a close-up of an original character from the genre Cos Loli in cosplay.
A female cosplayer wearing seifuku (school-uniform) posing with peace sign.
Four cosplayers from event "J-night", the ethnographer was asked to be in the photo (second person from right).
From left an original character, the following three persons are wearing seifuku (school-uniform). The second person from left is cross dressing (cross-player/cross-dresser).
An advertisement of the first J-night for year 2007.
A cross-dresser character from manga Susumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu. He is wearing seifuku posing in front of the meido-kissa (a maid coffeehouse).
A female cosplayer wearing seifuku posing with peace signs.
An original character with real sword. This character is inspired by various Japanese war-time dramas.
Characters from manga Gundam.
A close-up of the female character from manga Gundam.
A close-up of the female character from manga Gundam.
A cross-dresser character of Okita from manga Gintama.
A female character from manga Gintama.
Characters from manga Gintama. On the right the character of Okita (cross-dresser) and on the left a female character inspired by Gintama.
A character of Pikkolo from manga/ anime Dragon Ball.
left, a character from manga Card Captor Sakura
right, an original "Cos Loli" character
A close-up of the "Cos Loli", an original character.
A character from manga Card Captor Sakura.